Personal Web Site

Audrey Griffin

The rest of me

Master of Arts
at Oxford University. My first degree was in Classics (Literae Humaniores), followed by a Diploma in Classical Archaeology.
Doctor of Philosophy
also at Oxford, for a thesis on the History and Art of Sikyon, subsequently published as "Sikyon" (Oxford University Press). I contributed articles to "Who was Who in the Greek World" (Phaidon). I was employed for many years by the British Academy as a senior research assistant on its "Lexicon of Greek Personal Names" project.
Associate of the Chartered Institute of Linguists
in modern Greek, a language I have found necessary for research purposes, both travelling in Greece and translating Greek archaeological periodicals. However my main linguistic achievement is a translation of William Gager's "Meleager", a Latin tragedy produced at Oxford in the late 16th century, published privately for his descendants.
in ceramics and subsequently in stone, plus some more unusual techniques. For a long time, I attended evening classes at Bottisham Village College, under various tutors, but now at Impington Village College (in ceramics).
Married to
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